Protection of your personal data: GDPR

We are sure that in the last month you received many newsletters and emails related to the GDPR, the new European rules and procedures for the protection of the personal data. That EU legislation provides more guarantees to the online costumers. This is a very important issue so don’t be surprised if also Palazzo Gattini dedicates to this matter some considerations and kindly ask you to carefully read them.

Our costumers’ personal data as they display in our mailing list are used only for the dispatch of our periodic newsletter and we don’t allow anybody else to be able to get access to them or to read them. Your personal data will be used exclusively to send you our Newsletter.

Should you notice that your e-mail address and your personal data are kept in our mailing list without explicit consent of yours you can immediately through the present link get totally cancelled from our database and you won’t receive any further newsletter from us. For anything else we have adjourned the terms and policy of the new EU regulation and you can find them in the Contacts section of our web site.
Please read this document to having a complete understanding of the terms and conditions of the new EU regulations.